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Computer Organization and Architecture

This is the collection of Sikkim Manipal University (SMU) question and answers for Computer Organization and Architecture . It will help to prepare your examination. All question paper are classified as per semester, subject code and question type of Part A, Part B and Part C with multiple choice options as same as actual examination. SMU question papers includes year 2024, 2023, 2022 Sem I, II, III, IV, V, VI examinations of all subjects.

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Course Name        BSc IT (Bachelor of Science in Information Technology)

Subject Code       BT0068 (Computer Organization and Architecture )

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Computer Organization and Architecture Syllabus.

Unit 1: Data Representation in Computers
Digital Computers; Data Types; Complements; Fixed-Point Representation; Floating-Point Representation; Other Binary Codes;

Unit 2: Register
Transfer and Micro operations Register Transfer Language; Register Transfer; Bus and Memory Transfers; Arithmetic Microoperations; Logic Microoperations; Shift Microoperations; Arithmetic Logic Shift Unit.

Unit 3: Basic Structure of a Digital Computer
Mechanical and Electromechanical Ancestors; Structure of a Computer System; Arithmetic Logic Unit; Control Unit; Bus Structure; on Neumann Architecture.

Unit 4: CPU and Register
Organization Registers; User-Visible Registers; Control and Status Registers; Program Status Word (PSW); CPU Organization; Fundamental Computer Architecture; CPU organization in 8085 microprocessor. Register Organization of different machine; The Zilog Z8000 machine; Intel 8086 machine; Motorola 68000 machine. Instruction cycles; Basic instruction cycle; Basic instruction Cycle state diagram.

Unit 5: Interconnection Structures
Types of exchange of information: Modules of a System, Different types of transfers; Types of Buses; Elements of Bus Design: Bus Types, Method of arbitration, Bus Timing, Bus width; Bus Speed; Bus Structure: Single Bus System, Two Bus Organization, The Bus Standard.

Unit 6: Instruction Sets;
Addressing Modes and Formats Instruction Characteristics: Instruction representation, Instruction types, Number of addresses; Instruction Set Design; Types of Operands: Data types, IBM 370 Data types, VAX Data types; Types of Operations: Data transfer, Arithmetic, Logical, Conversion; I/O, System control; Transfer of control, System Control ;Addressing Modes: Direct addressing mode, Immediate addressing mode, Indirect addressing mode, Register addressing mode, Register indirect addressing mode, Displacement addressing mode, Relative addressing mode.

Unit 7: Arithmetic Logic Unit
Arithmetic Logic Unit; Number Representations: On-negative Integers, Negative Integers; Infinite-Precision Ten's Complement, Finite-Precision Ten's Complement, Finite-Precision Two's Complement, Rational Numbers.

Unit 8: Binary Arithmetic
Binary Arithmetic: Overflow in Integer Arithmetic, Binary Addition, Subtraction, another Note on Overflow, Multiplication, Unsigned Integer Multiplication, Straightforward Method, Unsigned Integer Multiplication, A More Efficient Method, Positive Integer Multiplication; Signed Integer Multiplication, Division; Floating Point Numbers: Floating Point Variables, Floating Point Arithmetic, Addition of Floating-Point Numbers, Time for Floating-Point Addition, Pipelined Floating-Point Addition, Real Numbers.

Unit 9: Memory Unit – Part I
Characteristics of Memory Systems, Main Memory, Types of Random-Access Semiconductor Memory, Organization, Static and dynamic memories; Memory system considerations, Design of memory subsystem using Static Memory Chips, Design of memory subsystem using Dynamic Memory Chips; Memory interleaving.

Unit 10: Memory Unit – Part II
Cache Memory: Principles of cache memory, Structure of cache and main memory, Performance using cache memory, Elements of Cache Design. Mapping functions, Replacement algorithms; External Memory, Magnetic Disk, RAID; Virtual memory; Memory Management in Operating Systems.

Unit 11: Input / Output
Basics External Devices: Classification of external devices, Input / Output problems; Input / Output Module: I/O Module Function, I/O Module Decisions, Input Output Techniques; Programmed I/O:I/O commands, I/O instructions; Interrupt Driven I/O:Basic concepts of an Interrupt, Response of CPU to an Interrupt, Design Issues, Priorities,Interrupt handling, Types of Interrupts.

Unit 12: Direct Memory Access
Direct Memory Access: DMA Function and Operation, DMA Configurations; DMA Controller: DMA Transfer Types, DMA Transfer modes, DMA Controller Operation, Advantages. Synchronization Requirements for DMA and Interrupts: Synchronization with Interrupts, Synchronization with DMA.

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